Analytical Essay on scene, "Norstadt discovers truth" from movie, 'The Man Without a Face'.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Analytical essay of the scene- 'Norstadt discovers truth' How are film techniques used to show the emotions of the characters in this scene? During the movie, "The Man Without A Face" by Mel Gibson, numerous film techniques are used to enhance the various scenes throughout the film. Before the scene, 'Norstadt discovers truth', Norstadt finds his stepsister, Gloria, and her boyfriend in bed. Gloria loses her temper and reveals the truth about Norstadt's father who …

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…This is to represent the caring, understanding and affection of McLeod towards Norstadt. The music is now smoother and gentler and then fades away in the background. Overall, I chose this scene because I thought it had depicted the moods of Norstadt extremely well. It also makes use of the various film techniques and the construction of characterization to improve the acting of this scene. Bibliography THE MAN WITHOUT A FACE. (1992). Australia: Warner Brothers. (Video)