Analytical Argument - "Golden Rice" and genetically engineered food

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
In 1999, a breakthrough in the field of agricultural genetic engineering was announced. This new development was "golden rice" that was genetically engineered to contain a substance that the body can convert into vitamin A called beta-carotene. Golden rice was instantly heralded as a miracle cure for the millions of people afflicted with vitamin A deficiency in less developed countries than our own. The main victims of vitamin A deficiency are the poor children and pregnant …

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…and not enough time has elapsed since the genetically engineering crops were first established to research any long term effects GM foods might have. As development of the rice progresses, more inquiries into GM foods take place and the public become more educated about genetic engineering, the debate over golden rice will subside and hopefully it can be used, along with other methods, to alleviate some of the problems that it was created to prevent.