Analytic Essay of The Most Dangerous game by Richard Connell

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
<Tab/>A story full of action, suspense, well developed characters, and a titanic struggle of good vs. evil is "The Most Dangerous Game." In this story the author, Richard Connell, shows the reader his traits of his characters and how they do what they do with the plot. The main character, Rainsford, tests his wits against Zaroff, the antagonist of the story. The author also cleverly puts in ironic twists in …

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…survived again only because his dog fell in first. The author now shows the reader that Rainsford would have a good chance of succeeding. His next trap with the knife kills Ivan, and finally he leaps into the sea when Zaroff's dogs are chasing him. Zaroff disappointed goes home and finds Rainsford. They fight and Rainsford wins and kills Zaroff. This whole paragraph shows how Rainsford uses his cunning and wits to win the game.