Analysis over The Iliad

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
CRITICAL ESSAY ON THE ILIAD Grant, Michael. "The Iliad and the Heroic Ideal." Readings on Homer. Ed. Don Nardo. Greenhaven Press Inc, 1998. Many scholars believe that one of the most important aspects the epic poem, the Iliad has on the human race is the concept of the heroic ideal. In this critical essay the author's view of an ideal hero is a person who struggles relentlessly against the workings of fate, even if the character …

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…Several interesting values make up the epic poem of the Iliad though many scholars may point out that there is no moral. Instead they believe that the poem justifies the ways of both men and women. The heroic ideal is special in another way. The change that Homer gives to Achilles and what the character undergoes and achieves is unique in the poem and as far we know it will continue for centuries to come.