Analysis on Article 'The Long March' and link to poems of Peter Skrznecki

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Title: The Long March Creator/ Composer: Jean Bailey Published: Australian Left Review, 1984 Text Type: Article Source: Library Summary In October 1934 90,000 Red Army soldiers were forced to begin a journey that would be revered worldwide. While retreating from SE China the Kuomintang began to pursue by the Red Army. While travelling and fighting this legion of men marched through 18,000 km of some of the harshest landscape entailing mountain ranges, major rivers, dense forest and icy swamps. …

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…type of article should be more subjective, at least in conclusion. From my related text I have learned about the events that took place throughout China that led to the establishment of communism. I felt it was excellent revision for writing articles, as it has all the Structure, content, and layout. I expanded my knowledge and understanding of physical journey by recognising them for symbolic uses, and being able to inspire and change a nation.