Analysis of the song "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue" also known as "The Angry American" by Toby Keith

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Tragedy is one of the most influential inspirations for art, including songwriting. In recent times, many artists responded to their feelings toward the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11th, 2001, with an abundance of artwork, poetry, and songs. One of the songs, Toby Keith's "The Angry American," may conceivably be portrayed as a summation of the artist's patriotic values in a reaction to the event. Although in initial observation it may seem as though …

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…many techniques to stress the need for revenge to be taken for the pains our country has had to endure from attacks by enemies, specifically those enemies of September 11th. Keith is emphatic that America will prevail over any evil, and that the attacks on September 11th give Americans a chance to fight for their country, and "stand on what our fathers and forefathers did for us, and make sure we don't let 'em down."