Analysis of the quote "The best lack all conviction, while the worst/are full of passionate intensity" from "things fall apart" by Chinua Achebe

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
first, a word to the not so wise...this was an informal essey i had to write, so i used first person...if you use this, change all the "I"s to something else or your teacher will summarily slam you ----------------------------------------------------------- The quote says that the best people are the ones who lack conviction, or don't have strong will. The question, however, arises when we must think about what the "best" is, best on …

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…is successful, but also cruel at times. His father was little more than a bum, and yet he was a good person. This example raises many questions. Does a society want cruel people who are successful in only their cultures and can't change, or do they want poor but good people who can change on a whim. I think both cultures need both kinds of people, for their society, and morality to survive and thrive.