Analysis of the play "A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen, according to Ibsen's own life. Ties of the life to Ibsen's Own.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In both modern and classic literature, many authors make ties to their personal lives. These personal ties are popular among authors because it allows the author to "get inside" their character's heads and give the characters identical situations and emotional responses as the author has experienced in their own life. Another major reason that authors tie to their own life is the fact that they can make a statement about their beliefs and perhaps bring …

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…are major, obvious connections, while some seem to slip through unnoticed unless facts about Ibsen's life are known to the reader. According to World Masterpieces, Ibsen was a "a literary pioneer" and "is now highly regarded as the greatest and most influential dramatist of the nineteenth century" (967). Seeing that Ibsen was very good at tying in aspects of his own life into his work, it is no small wonder that many people feel this way.