Analysis of the Significance of Othello's last speech. How good an account is this, in your opinion, of his behaviour, and of the significance of the action in general?

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This last speech of Othello is his way of expressing to viewers how he would have liked them to see the events of the play. However, his speech, albeit elegant and characteristic of Othello's extravagant and Romantic use of language, is flawed, ironic and thus it is impossible to see the events of the play in the light that Othello would like us to. His account is merely how he would like the audience to …

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…for which he must now live with, Othello has finally regained his natural ability with language. No longer is he bumbling along muttering lines such as "O fool, fool, fool!", but his language is once again coherent and elegant. He has regained his composure and sets upon sentencing himself to death, through confessing and then killing himself. This action reiterates in the audience's mind the sense of tragic loss and thus ends the tragic play.