Analysis of the School's PHYSICAL Environment

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > International
I. The Classroom Physical Environment A. Observations 1. Draw a map of the classroom. In your map include: clock, student desks, chairs, blackboards, computers, closets, shelves, learning centers, audio video equipment, bulletin boards, teacher's desk, plants, door, windows, animals, waste basket, pencil sharpener, tables, and other furniture and/or equipment, 2. What is posted on the walls? How are displays arranged? Are people shown in the displays? List the different cultures or ethnic groups that are included …

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…presented in each section of this assignment. Your work must be in outline format (see examples provided by the professor). The first page of your report should contain the grade level or subject area of the teacher you are observing, the observation #, your Concord class section #, the name of your professor, and your name. DO NOT USE ACTUAL NAMES IN YOUR ANALYSIS--USE INITIALS OR PSEUDONYMS TO PROTECT THE PRIVACY OF THE INDIVIDUALS YOU ARE OBSERVING.