Analysis of the Role of the Chorus in anicent Greek plays. Using "Oedipus The King" as an example.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Introduction: In Greek plays, the chorus invariably adds complexity and depth to the play and the message it is trying to portray. However to say that the chorus hinders or impedes our understanding of the play is a grievous inaccuracy. Just because an element adds to the complexity of the play, it does not necessarily mean that it would detract the audience's understanding of the play. In this instance the opposite in true of the …

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…that might arise from the information that has been given. As well as simplifying the situation so that we are more able to understand the plot. The role of the chorus is a far cry from being a hindrance to our understanding of the play they are actually a help in that they guide in our analysis on the actions of the characters. Which in turn offer us a more intimate relationship with the characters.