Analysis of poem "The Door" by Miroslav Holub.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
How is the Need for Embracing Change Conveyed in "The Door" The concept of "The Door" is based on the idea of taking risks and embracing change. The poet uses a persuasive and insistent tone to encourage the audience to take action. The lack of rhythm, rhyme and conventional structure also give the poem a conversational tone. The poem opens with the line "Go and open the door" and is used to begin the following …

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…to an end with "At least there'll be a draught". Which actually emphasis the point even more strongly, take a risk, at least there will be something different, a change, which is what you are looking for. The poem presents an optimistic tone, insistent that change is a positive force to be embraced. Through evocative language and strong imagery, the reader is assured that they should take action, overcome the barrier, and take the risk.