Analysis of an essay by George Orwell criticizing the euphemisms used by the U.S. government + other examples of today's euphemisms

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Essay Database > Literature
Bad Memories for Orwell. George Orwell demonstrated how writers and politicians use euphemisms, doublespeak, and other misconceptions to mislead their audience and hide their real agenda; he exposed politicians in his times and predicted future trends and practices in the English language usage. He expected the English language to deteriorate and individual thoughts and expression to be limited. His goal was to make people understand this practice and see through public speeches and political writings …

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…Orwell explained the basis of political writing and predicted a future trend that is carried out now. His insight and knowledge of the English language use and abuse can open our minds and help us see beyond the vagueness and camouflaged words that politicians use today. Hopefully it will help us hear and read the truth between their words, to maintain our individual thinking, and develop the English language and push it to higher levels.