Analysis of X-MEN

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the 1960's Martin Luther King was protesting for all cultures to live in a peaceful society. In 1963 marvel, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby made a comic called X - MEN with white and black superheroes. Professor Francis Charles Xavier, the leader of the superhero team wanted a peaceful society between man and mutant. The main characters are professor Xavier, Magneto, Wolverine, Storm, Cyclopes, Rogue, Sabretooth, Misteeq, Night crawler, Phoenix, Psylocke and Thunderbird. The genre …

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…to persuade people to come and watch the film; I would come to watch the film after watching such an exciting trailer. If you are into sci-fi action, thriller films you would really enjoy this trailer because it has a lot of suspense of danger. All the spectacular special effects, (e.g. blades coming out of Wolverines hand.) If you watch the trailer it will excite you with suspense to go and watch the film.