Analysis of The Scarlett Letter

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Essay Database > Literature
<Tab/>In The Scarlet Letter there are many instances of symbolism. As easily noticed with the title of the book, the use of a scarlet letter is very repetitive. Hawthorne's use of the letter is simplistic yet very intricate. The A first symbolizes "adultery" but later stands for "able." The A also has the deep meaning of "In Adam's fall/We sinned all" which derives from the early seventeenth century. This …

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…Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, Vol. 10. September 1850. 1- Vocabulary 1.<Tab/>amour - a love affair, especially an illicit one 2.<Tab/>devourers - someone who eats greedily or voraciously 3.<Tab/>penultimate - next to last 4.<Tab/>transgression - violation of a law, command, or duty; exceeding of due bounds or limits. 5.<Tab/>inauspicious - Not favorable; not auspicious.