Analysis of The Scarlet Letter

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Abstract The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a world-wide famous novel with fascinating plot and typical characters. Since its publication it has remained a strong appeal to the readers who are interested in literature. The theme and characters of the romance have long been a matter of dispute. In the second part of my paper ( the first part is introduction ), by contrasting diverse opinions of different critics, I analyze the plot and the main …

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…But in 1642 the historical Bellingham was not governor. Finch and Noye, two professional associates of Bellingham mentioned by the narrator, were actually two merciless persecutors of William Prynne in history. In the final analysis, some of the characters in The Scarlet Letter are not purely fictional; they are created on the basis of historical figures. The narrator acts the role of an historian, settiong the story against the background of English and New England history.