Analysis of Pico Lyer's short story "Nowhere Man".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"Nowhere Man" by Pico Lyer hits the target in exposing the emptiness that looms our generation. The meaninglessness threatens to swallow us all like a black hole. Lyer includes himself as being part of this new generation and gives his generation the term "transit loungers." Likewise, I identify myself as a transit lounger. In Lyer's essay, his term transit lounger refers literally to himself and others like him; they have the so-called privilege of living …

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…life and discover our true passions. We can form bonds with those who we really love, not just with people we were stuck with. We can make home a strange land we fall in love with. At the end it would be difficult to jump off the plane of the transit loungers. But if we take the chance, we could live life even more fully and passionately than those who never got into the plane.