Analysis of Photographs: The Controversy

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Essay Database > Law & Government
"The word photography, which is derived from the Greek words for light and writing, was first used by Sir John Herschel in 1839: the year the invention of the photographic process was made public" (Camera Canada, 2005). Photography, ever since its invention, has been an important part of the visual culture. One of the interpretive tools used to analyze photographic images is semiology, which is also referred to as 'the study of signs' (Rose, 2001: 69). The semiotic approach …

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…of Representation: Essays on Photographies and Histories. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press. Online Resources: Camera Canada. This week in photographic history. Canada's for Cameras. 5 Dec. 2005. 5 Dec. 2005. Riper, F. Pulitzer Pictures: Capturing the Moment. Camera Works: Special Features. 29 Dec. 2000. 22 Nov. 2005. Wikipedia. Eddie Adams (photographer). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 5 Dec. 2005. 5 Dec. 2005.