Analysis of Othello and Iago in Act 1.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
The events that occur in the first half of Act 1 are all in anticipation of the lead character Othello who we are not immediately introduced too. We learn Iago's name in the second line of the play and Roderigo's soon after, but Othello is not mentioned by his name once. Instead he is referred to as 'he', 'him' and is frequently described as 'the moor' (1.1.58) he is also described as having 'thick lips' (1.1.67) and later …

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…Othello's marriage are developing early on in the play. Iago's manipulations are driven by a basic desire to get back at those who have hurt him and gain what he believes is rightfully his. In Act 1 Scene 1 Iago describes his disgust at being overlooked for Othello's lieutenant and instead have to settle as being 'his Moorship's ancient' a position below lieutenant, we are able to see here that his main motivation was revenge and anger.