Analysis of Napoleon as an individual in history; particular attention is paid to Napoleon's role as emperor and the abilities that allowed him to accomplish his fantastic achievements,

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Essay Database > History > European History
Napoleon Bonaparte: Image of an Emperor Napoleon's story has a fairy tale quality, but instead of rags to riches it is immigrant to Emperor. What follows is an analysis of Napoleon as an individual in history; particular attention is paid to Napoleon's role as emperor and the abilities that allowed him to accomplish his fantastic achievements, "Even when I am gone, I shall remain in people's minds the star of their rights, my name will …

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…without glory is to die every day." (Memoirs, 93) Works Cited Matusevich, Maxim. HST 104 class lectures and slides. Spring 2003. McKay, John P., Bennett D. Hill, and John Buckner. A History of Western Society: From Absolutism to the Present. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003. Napoleon: The Man and The Myth. PBS. Napoleon Quotes. 1996. Napoleon's Memoirs. Drury University e-reserve.