Analysis of Imagery in Loving From Vietnam to Zimbabwe

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Cyrus Fazeli English 1B Wallace Analysis of Imagery in "Loving from Vietnam to Zimbabwe" After reading Janice Mirikitani's poem "Loving from Vietnam to Zimbabwe" there is a profound amount of imagery used by Mirikitani that explains a reality of sex, love, and war. Mirikitani uses an interesting and unique format in the way she has written her poem. The "I" that Mirikitani uses is not referring to herself but rather another woman who is Vietnamese, …

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…sees love as dangerous and painful. She mentions "jungle rot" (Stanza 20 line 6) and "the madness of surviving" (Stanza 20 line 8) which is an agonizing image that she puts into our heads so that we are able to feel the power of love and war. We are given this image to take into account the pain that this woman has faced. It is also the pain that many women like her have faced. Bibliography No Bibliography needed