Analysis of "I'm The One That I Want" by Margaret Cho.

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Analysis of I'm The One That I Want --by Margaret Cho Is homosexuality really that strange? Yes. In today's society, homosexuality is considered to be eccentric. Heterosexuality is superior to homosexuality in a society where being gay is so taboo and unconventional. The stigma placed on homosexuality has created a community of people who struggle daily to overcome a hierarchy based on sexual preference. The hierarchy was created out of fear. "This fear is a …

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…gay group." Online, Inc. 2002. 06. Nov. 2002. Adam, B. D. (1987). The Rise of a GAY and LESBIAN Movement. Boston: Twayne Publishers. Cho, Margaret. (2000). I'm The One That I Want. Cho Taussig Productions. Novatnak, Nadine. "Why Our Society Distrusts Homosexuals." Abstract of Presentation for Nenchc Conference. April. 2002. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Sillars, M.O., Gronbeck, B.E. (2001). Communication Criticism: Rhetoric, Social Codes, Cultural Studies. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.