Analysis of Gallipoli by Peter Weir

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Gallipoli truly demonstrated the view points of Australians and the effects the war had on them. A deceiving perception of the war was emphasized, forgetting the warnings and traumas which were so evident by the end of the movie. Innocence was lost before young boys even had a chance to really live their lives. Misleading propaganda and nationalism encouraged the war effort. Much could have been prevented, yet the naivete of the elders and youth …

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…gher price for exactly the same souvenir as another. A whole group of men was assembled to go back and win their much deserved money. The battle at Gallipoli changed many men. It was a clear demonstration of the tragedies which occurred during battle and the innocent young men which were drawn into it. Whether the soldiers died or continued living, innocence was lost, no matter what. Pure hatred was magnified with every death.