Analysis of "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"Dover beach" is a beautiful poem written by a famous poet, Matthew Arnold; from the romantic era. The poem is melancholic and pessimistic in nature and shows human misery through the ages. The diction changes as the poem progresses, from the beginning till the end, soft and loving to hard and rough, respectively. The images are centered around the ocean, this is to show the analogy that life can be both turbulent as well as …

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…This can be linked with man, as man is still in the darkness and hence the internal problems that he has can only lead to his doom. This poem ends in a rhyming couplet with an elegiac tone. Matthew Arnold is a world renowned poet as well as a thinker. Arnold using his powers of communication through great works of literature, created "Dover Beach" that has great depth and insight into the reality of life.