Analysis of Consumer Behavior quotes

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
1) We surround ourselves with valued material possessions as a matter of our lives taking course. A sense of linkage to the concrete and observable world external to ourselves permits us to obtain a sense of stability and continuity in an otherwise less stable existence (Advances in ConsumerResearch Volume 16, 1989 Pages 359-366) (Susan E. Schultz, Arizona State University,Robert E. Kleine, III, Arizona State University,Jerome B. Kernan, George Mason University) It is true that we connect …

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…informant." --Geert Hofstede, Institute for Research on Intercultural Cooperation, the Netherlands <Tab/>Consumer behavior like any other marketing related topic is subjective. There exist many key factors that influence the coherence of assumptions. For example, what works with Americans may not work with Europeans and vice versa. Culture is a key point when discussing consumer behavior because it is the basis of what drives us to act whether consciously or unconsciously.