Analysis of Coca-Cola Inc.

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Long one of the world's most recognized companies and brands, Coca-Cola continues to prosper by innovating and adapting to the local needs of its customers and consumers throughout the world. Despite ferocious competition, significant currency devaluations in key markets and major acquisition-related write-downs, the company reported first quarter 2002 sales of US$4.08 billion and has predicted long term growth approaching six percent. What is Coca-Cola's formula for success? Is it simply a case of having the …

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…and advanced technology to make them more competitive." While Lees' contacts and Asian expertise are somewhat proprietary, he did offer a few suggestions for multinationals to think about. China is quickly becoming one of the world's largest markets. Companies must be part of that market. But we should not forget Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Each offers huge potential to global corporations, not only for sales, but also for manufacturing and regional operations hubs.