Analysis of Bruce Dawe and his Poetry

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Essay Database > Literature
Bruce Dawe is one of the most inspirational and truthful poets of our time. Born in 1930, in Geelong, most of Dawe's poetry concerns the common person. His poems are a recollection on the world and issues around him. The statement 'The poet's role is to challenge the world they see around them' is very true for Bruce Dawe, as his main purpose in his poetry was to depict the unspoken social issues concerning the common …

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…writes this poem in Ronald Ryan's wife's or lover perspective. The reader can feel her sadness towards Ronald's execution, and her respect for him dying 'most horrifyingly like a man'. The human condition is undeniably Australian as there is the sign of a true fighter 'annealed un-tranquilized, scorning a final statement'. Dawe writes of the wife as if she wished Ronald died 'with far more dignity than the shabby ritual which gave you credit for'.