Analysis of Beautiful Old Age By D.H. Lawrence. This essay is on the subject matter, form, stlye and theme of the poem.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
1.Subject Matter (Content) "Beautiful Old Age" by D.H. Lawrence is a poem that describes old age. The author depicts old age as something that is "lovely", wonderful, calm and undisturbed. We would feel as though we have completed most of our lives. We would have already fulfilled our duties as a man. We would have experienced the ups and downs of life and look forward to more settled days. We would be happy in …

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…is quite thought provoking. It makes me think about what our old age will be like. Would I have an enjoyable old age as in described by the poem? Would I have really no regrets at the end of my life? Overall, this is a quite enjoyable and meaningful poem. It describes the calm feelings of the old aged. There is not much sadness in this story and thus makes it more enjoyable to read.