Analysis of Bao-yu's dream in Cao Xueqin's 'Story of the Stone'

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
The Story of the Stone by Cao Xueqin is an animated, lively account of life in a large Chinese household in the mid-18th century Qing dynasty. It remains a fascinating novel for modern readers with its vivid and detailed descriptions of the minutiae of daily life - from clothing, food and interior design to education, marriage and death. For all its realism however, The Story of the Stone is not set entirely in reality. …

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…it becomes immediately obvious that tradgedy lies ahead. With the decline of the Jia family will come a decline in the fortunes of each of the women. It is also clear that by the end of the first volume of The Story of the Stone the story has, in fact, barely begun. The Jia household is still powerful and rich, the child heros are still young and and insouciant, these are still the golden days.