Analysis of American Foreign Policy Objectives and Goals

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Pages: 18
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Essay Database > Law & Government
The United States has clearly defined foreign policy objectives and goals. While some groups claim that the United States acts as an isolationist body, the government works to improve the international community through negotiation and cooperation. Sometimes varying perspectives and values cause the United States to act in a unilateral manner, but the United States mostly looks to act in conjunction with the desires of other countries. As the largest superpower, the United States has …

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…is the most powerful state in the world, it knows it must work with other states through organizations and alliances. The United States does not want to be a dictator, and in fact seeks multilateralism (Holmes, 2003). The United States knows good relations with other countries is vital if there is to be some sort of stability in the international community and if the United States wants to stay the most powerful state in the world.