Analysis: Smoking

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
From July 1st 2007, the only place Victorians will be able to enjoy a smoke indoors will be in private homes, following the introduction of strict anti-smoking laws that ban people from lighting up in pubs, clubs and licensed venues. This law is being introduced to help these venues become work safe, according to studies around 200 Australians working in pubs and clubs are expected to die from passive smoking related illnesses. It is also proposed that …

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…should also. Using emotional appeals, statistics and expert opinion the writer plays on what the reader values, a safe work place. "200 Australians working in bars and clubs could expect to die from passive-smoking related heart disease and lung cancer every year." By using the "study commissioned by the Cancer Council, Professor Repace" the writer irrefutably places weight behind the argument, the reader cannot dispute the study and therefore are placed in a position to agree.