Analysis Of Claudius

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the first three acts of the play Hamlet, King Claudius go through a subtle, but defined change in character. Claudius role in the play begins as the newly corrinated king of Denmark. The former king, King Hamlet, was poisoned by his brother, Claudius, while he was asleep. Claudius, however, made it known to everyone that the king died of a snakebite in the garden, and thus no one knew of the murder that had …

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…in his everyday life, by transforming a normal night out to the theater into a devastating insight into his own life. Hamlet, although he does not know it, is a key instrument in bringing about Claudius' guilt, and Gertrude is still a bit nervous about her marriage with Claudius. Claudius life, because of the murder, will never be the same because he cannot bear to live with his conscience. This flaw will be his downfall.