Analysis: Born on the Fourth of July

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The idyllic 1950's to the turbulent 1960's represented a dynamic shift in American culture. The end of World War II prompted a boom economy and the American dream of a your own house with the white picket fence was born. Although the 50's were picturesque in some respect the end of WWII entrenched a deep fear of Communism. As America entered Vietnam the conservative ideals of the WWII generation clashed with the rising student and …

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…deal with a lot of the cultural changes that occurred throughout this time era and it does demonstrate the general mood of the country. The movie is incredibly one-sided in its interpretations of events and has no qualms in stating who the director thought was right and wrong. The movie, Born on The Fourth of July, represents the Vietnam War era and cultural shifts that occurred through out the country with varying degrees of accuracy.