Analysis Assignment: Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
I.<Tab/>Structure of the Novel: Chapter summaries (Complete both A and B) A.<Tab/>After each of the chapter titles, write a two or three sentence summary (no more) of how the title is appropriate for the subject matter of that chapter. Part One: (The following are summaries on how the subject matter revolves around the title.) The Brahmin's Son: <Tab/>The …

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…takes place as he listens to the river and learns the concept of destiny from his son. By adding a third part, the novel would be divided like so: four chapters before crossing the river, four after crossing, and four on the river. Three sections are appropriate because that is how Siddhartha's life is divided. The novel is all about the path to enlightenment and attaching the last two major sections is not very practical.