Analysing the sub text in two documentaries- Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" and Errol Morris's" Fog of War", and a comparison of the directorial style of the two filmmakers.

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Analysing sub text in "Bowling for Columbine", Michael Moore. The very first shot of the film is that of Charlton Heston promoting it, as a documentary the American Rifle Association would like everyone to see. This we realize, as the film opens, is but a spoof that drips with sarcasm, and that basically lays the trend for what is to follow. In Bowling for Columbine Michael Moore's opinion- the side which he is on, is …

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…use similar elements within the narrative to carry the story forward, the manner in which these are used of course, vary. While Morris employs them to round up a story and add to it, Moore employs them to strengthen his argument and prove a point. On a personal level I would say that while Moore's style is more entertaining, Morris certainly comes across as the more credible of the two in his presentation of facts.