Analyis of the "The Son In The Afternoon," by John A. Williams

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"The Son In The Afternoon," by John A. Williams is a story about a black man's jealously of a white boy. In the story Wendell is a black man. He has a job as a scripted writer. After work he goes to pick up his mother, who is watching a young white boy, named Ronnie. Wendell turns to be very jealous of the boy, because he believes that his mother gives the boy more attention …

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…As Wendell's mother comforts Ronnie, Wendell becomes more jealous and immature. After Wendell yell's at Ronnie he walks out side and hits it with a rock. This shows is a very immature acted by Wendell. Also, at the end of the story Wendell flirts with Ronnie's mother. He then hugs her in front of Ronnie. He did this because he was jealous of Ronnie, and he could only find childish ways to deal with his.