Analyis of "Araby," by James Joyce

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Essay Database > Literature
"Araby," by James Joyce is a story about a young boy's obsession with a girl. In the story the young boy falls in love with his friends older sister. When the boy first talks to the girl, she asks him if he was going to the Araby. The boy tells the girl that he might go to the Araby, and that if he did that he would get something for her. Once that boy gets …

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…was like a harp her words and gestures were like fingers running upon my wires." This metaphor helps the audience see how the boy fells about the girl. Which leads to him ultimately setting out on an impossible mission. The author also uses symbolism. The boy explains how once the lights in the Araby went out, it represents the end of his life as well. This also helps represent how his mission was a failure.