Anabolic Steroids

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Anabolic Steroids Media's Portrayal of the Issue Introduction You've seen them, and you thought you knew what was going on. The muscle-heads at the gym, the all- star basketball player, the amazing offensive tackle, and the lightning fast track sprinter. Shock waves went through the sports world when Canadian track superstar Ben Johnson was denied his gold medal at the 1988 Olympics after tests showed he had taken anabolic steroids. This incident called international attention to …

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…Goes On: Article in I.F.B" 1990. Kennedy, N., "Steroid Studies: Estimated Percentages of Use," National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1990. Miller, R.W., "Athletes and Steroids: Playing a Deadly Game", November 1987. Yestault, Charles, Anabolic Steroids, "Health Aspects and Doping in Sports". 1993 www.// www.// www.//