An investigation of the three R's; Rights, Roles and responsibilities, and Resources. Status relevance and factors concerning parental contribution in education.

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Pages: 29
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Abstract An investigation was performed to explore the factors surrounding parental contribution in education, from its definition, to its role, relevance, and status. The report also looks at the relevance of a family's socio economic status on parental contribution, and explores the reasons or 'roots' of this relevance, what is revealed to be a significant factor, through previous research and also through a small scale research part of this study. The research performed aimed to …

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…income, race, or ethnic background. What counts is that parents have a positive attitude about the importance of a good education and that they express confidence their children will succeed. Major benefits of parent involvement include higher grades and test scores including reading , math achievement , positive attitudes towards aducation and behavior , better self esteem amongst pupils , completion of homework , academic perseverance , improved participantion in classroom learning activities ,more successful academic programs , and more effective schools .