An informative essay on the causes of the Salem Witchcraft Trials.

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Essay Database > History
The Salem Witchcraft trials are commonly referred to the most unnecessary savage prejudices in the history of America. Not only was the whole ordeal made up in the creative minds of little girls, but was actually explored by the population of Massachusetts. Many innocent lives could have been spared if it weren't for such tragic events. After studying the history of the trials, most are left with the burning question: how could a town kill …

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…Walcott emerged with similar symptoms and accused outcasts of the town, and those who they didn't like. <Tab/>To conclude, the outlook of the Salem Witchcraft trials has evolved over the years. The diversity of the town, war nearby and boredom of the youth population were the direct causes of the trails. Without any of these factors, 19 innocent people wouldn't have been unjustly hanged, and many more hadn't sentenced to jail.