An in depth analysis of a key scene in Fritz Lange's classic film "Scarlett Street".

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
A Walk Down Scarlett Street. Fritz Lange's Scarlett Street is a film about a man betrayed by old age, the past, and the woman who represents his lost youth. When the viewer first meets the protagonist he appears to be much like any other man in the middle of his life. Christopher Cross has been working for the same bank for several years and has become complacent living an average life, making a very average …

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…nflicted by feelings of loss, anger and betrayal. In this age of vivid colour and surround sound, it's hard to believe that simple black and white, was able to intrigue the viewer to such an extent, Lange took the confines of his art, and instead of just accepting them, he used them to his benefit, using black and white, to represent the gap between love and hate, greed and betrayal and middle age and youth.