An in depth analysis of Pesident Wilson and the policies that he supported during his time as an american president

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Essay Database > History
President Wilson in a post-war era was a very well respected man that people admired wherever he went, but this changed very quickly after his war efforts. He couldn't see the future and predict what the future held, and rejection was the last thing he faced. No matter where he went, he would receive a warm and friendly hero's welcome, like when Italians would proudly place pictures of president Wilson in their windows to portray …

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…stupid to go over seas and introduce something there without knowing what your own country thinks about it. If he had told the Senate what he was proposing, he might of had more luck with what he wanted to do. I don't think his original treaty would have been ratified but I do believe that if he introduced his ideas, and then some changes were made, he would have been a lot more better off.