An examination of Nora, from "A Doll's House" and Rose-Anna, from "The Tin Flute" as wives.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Throughout history, women have played a vital role in the everyday lives of families, and they have contributed greatly to the success, failure, contentment and morale of their husbands. The roles of the wives Nora and Rose-Anna are no different. Both women are dedicated to their husbands and both are motivated to do what is in the best interest of their husbands and families. Although they have slightly different motivations and characteristics that help them …

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…so that he can earn a regular income. Nora and Rose-Anna are very strong women and utterly influential in determining the paths of their husbands lives. Their hard work, dedication and unselfishness show some differences in their characteristics but never the less they contribute to the qualities that make them the wives they are. Bibliography Ibsen, Henrik. "A Doll's House". New York: Oxford University Press, 1988 Roy, Gabrielle. "The Tin Flute" Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1980