An essay on the wonders of Puritanism. Deals with how Puritans set a precedent in American Life

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Puritanism American Society today is the result of many influences of the past dating all the way back to the first Asians crossing into Alaska from Siberia via the land bridge. Reformations, revelations, conflicts and wars, mass movements, and religious groups have all helped develop our society into what it is today. Religious groups have played one of the most important roles in establishing American civilization. Probably the most important of these groups are the …

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…planted the seeds for our diverse religious population and for our modern constitution. Immigrants from all across the globe have made our country into one massive diverse nation, with all uniting under the same name, Americans. The Puritans set a precedent for all to follow. In times of oppression and religious persecution in many countries, many foreigners decided to flee. Following the lead of the Puritans, they sought freedom where freedom was born, in America