An essay on the novel Mosquito Coast written by Paul Theroux, which discuss the setting of Hatfield and how Theroux creates a believable start to his thrilling novel.

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In the novel Mosquito Coast we the readers are taken on a vast trip across farming country, an ocean and to a vast land covered in substantial jungle. But for every end there is a beginning, and in this novel the foundation is laid in a small town called Hatfield Massachusetts. Here is where the story begins and where the idealistic character Allie Fox is supplied with the right fuel to begin is eccentric journey …

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…men of different values is set forth we are intrigued and motivated to continue reading to find what solution Theroux devises. It is understood that in order to successfully create any piece of literature there has to be a good quality beginning. Theroux draws on his knowledge of geography and writing to skillfully pave the way for his man character Allie Fox and his family to a believable and at the same time thrilling adventure.