An essay on the importance of names in "This Earth of Mankind" by Pramoedya Toer (3 pgs, bibliography included)

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"What's in a Name?" What exactly is in a name? You're name is who you are; it distinguishes John Smith, from Joe Blow. There is much weight that is vested into a name; in the Native American culture a child is given a name that fits his character. In our society, the title of Doctor connotates respect and that he is a well-educated individual. In This Earth of Mankind, a name not only separates individuals …

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…a name. A name is nothing unless there is someone to offer something substantial to back it up. A doctor without a degree has no point being called doctor, just as a student who does not attend school has no business being referred to as a student. A name will only get you so far in the world without character. Works Cited: Toer, Pramoedya Ananta. This Earth of Mankind. Translator Max Lane. New York: Penguin, 1996