An essay discussing to which extent economic change during 1789-1939 was a factor in the changing nature of anti-Semitism.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
The modern industrial age brought along with it a whole new school of thought, thought based on science and rationality rather than the waning belief in religion. The social and economic revolution also saw Jews in a new light, one in which they were not merely thought of as Jews, in the religious sense, but viewed now as a people with their own particular inherited characteristics. For this reason hating Jews for their religious beliefs …

showed first 75 words of 1885 total
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showed last 75 words of 1885 total
…change other than the changing nature of society during this time. The progress of industrialisation, urbanisation and science played a massive role in changing peoples perceptions of the world. The new anti-Semitic theories developed in this new era assisted by devastating exclusive events encouraged new forms of anti-Semitism to spring up across America and Europe in the 19th Century on a much more permanent and racial basis, ensuring it would continue for the foreseeable future.