An essay discussing the christian holidays Christmas and holy sunday. Compare/contrast the two and how they effect the religion and modern american society.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Christianity Essay Christianity as a whole has many different holidays and "days of obligation", from The Sabbath, which occurs every seven days, to holidays like Christmas and Easter which are observed only once a year. Christmas is probably the most note able of all these. Not only is it observed by the Christians but it has become so ingrained in modern American society it is expected by all to receive a "Christmas break" in late …

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…two days of the week. The embedding of this Christian holiday goes back much further than the modern celebration of Christmas, thus its traits are much more subtle and harder to spot. In Christianity, the Sabbath and Christmas both play important roles in the lifestyle of the individual and both affect non Christians greatly. To find the traces of society's reliance on these observances in a country dominated by Christianity, one has but to understand.