An essay book review of My Antonia, by Willa Cather.

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My Antonia In the beginning of this novel we meet a successful railroad lawyer named Jim Burden. He is writing a memoir of his friend Antonia. Jim finds that a childhood friend of his, Antonia Shimerda (Tony) represents the whole adventure of his childhood. The novel then goes on to tell how he met Tony, when they became neighbors living with his grandparents on their Nebraska Farm. In their early childhood together that had great …

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…is during the late 1800's. early 1900's. As well as how life is on the prairie. How immigrants didn't have it easy moving to the New World from other places of the county. But they managed to survive. I also know what the pioneer life is like. And how the Old World compares to the New World through Mr. Shimerda and Grandfather Burden. This book was just a very interesting novel from that time period.