An essay about whether the characters in the House of the Seven Gables (written by Nathaniel Hawthorne) are responsible for their own bad luck, or if it has to do more with fate.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
In The House Of the Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne presents an ongoing deliberation on whether the Pyncheon's bad luck is caused by fate or whether it is caused by their own choices and actions. This inevitably causes the reader to constantly question weather they will ever truly escape the history of the dark and decaying mansion. In the beginning of the story, Hawthorne gives a reason to believe that it is fate controlling the family …

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…Clifford posses qualities of being free. Hepzibah rejoices after her first day of opening her shop and completing a transaction. Clifford enjoys the sunshine immensely every time he has a chance to soak in it. And both of them were capable of actually leaving their property far enough to the train station to board a train. With a little more self-control, discipline, and motivation, freedom from the cursed Pyncheon family is available for family member.